Mgr. Bc. Pavla Linhartová, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry
Masaryk University
Czech Republic
Mgr. Martin Horký
Postgraduate researcher
Masaryk University Brno
Magdalena Helísková
Masters student
apl. Prof. Dr. Inga Niedtfeld
Dipl.-Psychologin, Arbeitsgruppenleiterin, Forschungskoordinatorin
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Philipp Kanske
Professor for Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Technische Universität Dresden
Dr. Ingmar Heinig
Postdoctoral researcher
Sarah Fineberg, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Yale School of Medicine
Thea McAfee
Postgraduate Associate