Murky Waters: Is Self-Other Distinction a Clearly Defined Concept?


Our first blog post! Mirror, mirror on the wall: is self-other distinction clear at all?

Nita Bislimi, a project assistant at the University of Vienna, asks a provocative question: Is Self-Other Distinction a clearly defined concept?

A groundbreaking study by François Quesque and collaborators, involving 45 experts, has defined 18 key concepts in mental state attribution, with self-other distinction (SOD) emerging as a cornerstone. Nita collected the opinions of experts in the field, Prof. Claus Lamm, Prof. Giorgia Silani, and Dr. Ekaterina Pronizius in an attempt to untangle the maze of mental states, question expert consensus, and explore the blurred lines of conceptual clarity! Discover the convergence and divergence in their views & why this debate is far from settled, as we navigate these murky waters and explore the complexities of SOD!


  • Quesque, F., Apperly, I., Baillargeon, R., Baron-Cohen, S., Becchio, C., Bekkering, H., ... & Brass, M. (2024). Defining key concepts for mental state attribution. Communications Psychology, 2(1), 29. 


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